Borgo di Pentedattilo
To partecipate at the Workshop please send us your cv by 1st Friday December 2017 at
duration 6 h| fee € 30
Film workshops for filmmakers, animators, illustrators
Directed by Éva Katinka Bognár - Unghery
Director, animator, illustrator, teacher of digital animation at the MOME (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design) of Budapest.

Are the new emerging technologies pushing us towards a fusion of animation and live action?
Do you need a different approach when you're developing content for animation?
How do you design your characters and story for an animated short, a videogame or a feature? By comparing the storytelling conventions with the visual language of live action and animation films, from abstract shorts to successful features, the workshop aims to give an overview of both the theoretical and practical side of animation.
And since filmmaking is a practical matter, participants also will have opportunity to experiment with expressionist animation - or they can try their hand at adapting their own narrative ideas to different platforms and genres!
Main points of discussions & practical exercise:
- How to read animation movies
- Differences between live action and animation movies
- Do you write differently for animation?
- How to develop an animation project

To partecipate at the Workshop please send us your cv by 1st Friday December 2017 at
Max 15 partecipants. Fee € 30.
At the end of the Workshop you'll receive a PFF'S diploma.