WINNERS - Pentedattilo Film Festival

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Winner ex-aequo

Sonia K. Hadad - Iran 15’

For its effective use of suspense and strong emotions. What should have been a simple coming of age story, becomes a harrowing reality and harsh judgment for someone so young.

Iran 2019
Regia | Director: Sonia K. Hadad
Produzione | Production: Three Gardens
Produttori | Producers: Pouria Heidary Oureh
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Sonia K. Hadad, Farnoosh Samadi
Fotografia | Cinematography: Alireza Barazandeh
Montaggio | Editing: Ehsan Vaseghi
Suono | Sound: Mohammadreza Hosseini, Ramin Abousedgh
Costumi | Costume design: Parisa Farahani
Cast: Sadaf Asgari, Hadis Miramini, Masih Kazemi, Elaheh Afshari
Runtime: 15’
Winner ex-aequo

Il nostro tempo
Veronica Spedicati - Italy 16’

For its timeless mood. Subtle and dreamlike with beautiful camerawork. It slowly reveals its melancholy memories of a last summer of childhood that lingers long after the film has ended.

Italy 2019

Regia | Director: Veronica Spedicati
Produzione | Production: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Production
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Francesca Guerriero, Giulia Magda Martinez, Veronica Spedicati, Sofia Petraroia
Fotografia | Cinematography: Jacopo Giordano Cottarelli
Montaggio | Editing: Luigi Caggiano
Suono | Sound: Chiara Santella, Valentino Antinolfi,  Riccardo Gruppuso, Roberto Ugo Ricciardi
Musica | Music: Lillo Morreale
Costumi | Costume design: Irene Trovato
Cast: Emanuela Minno, Franco Ferrante, Celeste Casciaro
Runtime: 16’

Special Mention

Henet Ward
Morad Mostafa -  Egypt 23’
For the multilayered narrative of taboos and racism in Egypt’s underclass.

Egypt 2019

Regia | Director: Morad Mostafa
Produzione | Production: Salaud Morisset - Short Films Production & Distribution
Produttori | Producers:  Morad Mostafa, Safey Eldeen Mahmoud, Sherif Fathy
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Morad Mostafa, Mohamed Ali Mansour
Fotografia | Cinematography: Zezo
Montaggio | Editing: Mohamed Mamdouh
Suono | Sound: Ahmad ElSawy e Moustafa Shaaban
Cast: Halima, Ward “Rose”, Amal Salah, Marina Victor, Hagar Mahmoud, Emad Ghoniem
Runtime: 23’

Special Mention

Goodbye Golovin
Mathieu Grimard - Canada/Ukraine 14’

For the poetic storytelling, impressive cinematography and montage.

Canada 2019

Regia | Director: Mathieu Grimard
Produttori | Producers: Mathieu Grimard, Simon Corriveau-Gagné
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Mathieu Grimard
Fotografia | Cinematography: Ariel Méthot
Montaggio | Editing: Mathieu Grimard
Suono | Sound: Natasha Avramenko
Musica | Music: Fouki-roi Lion
Cast: Oleksandr Rudinskiy, Dasha Plahtiy, Mariia Stopnyk
Runtime: 14’



Brodo di carne
Vittorio Antonacci - Italy 8’
For its elegant style, able to fulfill the anticipation of those who are watching; for the mastery of its actors, surrounded by a paradoxical reality; for the unsettling ending.

Italy 2018

Regia | Director: Vittorio Antonacci
Produzione | Production: Redigital
Produttori | Producers: Ermanno Guida
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Daniela Mitta , Vittorio Antonacci
Fotografia | Cinematography: Gianluca Palma
Montaggio | Editing: Adriano Patruno
Cast: Antonio Banno', Rosanna Gentili, Teodosio Barresi
Runtime: 8’

Special Mention

The other side of the night
Jaclyn Noel - USA 15’
For how it’s able to condense, in the dryness of its acting and through painful silences, the drama of a mother and her anger without justice.

United States 2019

Regia | Director: Jaclyn Noel
Produzione | Production:
Produttori | Producers: Andrea Goocher, Nicholas K. Young
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Jaclyn Noel
Fotografia | Cinematography: Marcus Patterson
Montaggio | Editing: Jaclyn Noel, Nicholas K. Young
Musica | Music: Dylan Neely
Costumi | Costume design:  
Cast: Ann Mahoney, Uly Schlesinger, Adrienne Lovette, Anthony Gaskins
Runtime: 15’

Festival / Awards: Palm Springs International ShortFest, Nashville Film Festival, Woodstock Film Festival

Special Mention

Alex Avella, Alessandro De Leo - Italy 15’

For the attention in the production which stands out, which allows to realize a short movie with a stunning, very contemporary visual language, and a convincing world-building able to simulate believable science-fiction scenarios.

Italy 2018

Regia | Director: Alex Avella, Alessandro De Leo
Produzione | Production: Dude, in collaborazione con Withstand
Produttori | Producers: Lorenzo Del Bianco, Davide Baldi
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Alex Avella, Alessandro De Leo
Fotografia | Cinematography: Luca Costantini
Montaggio | Editing: Alessandro De Leo, Alex Avella
Suono | Sound: Lorenzo Dal Rì
Musica | Music: Matteo De Marinis
Costumi | Costume design: Sara Costantini
Cast: Joy Johannson, Aomy Muyock, Mads Reuther
Runtime: 15’



Beauty boys
Florent Gouelou - France 18’

It is a touching story depicting the distant relationship between two young men, with sexuality and masculinity keeping the two apart. This beautifully played film takes you from testing the bitterness of rejection to the appreciation of sweetness, when diversity unites the brotherhood.

France 2019

Regia | Director: Florent Gouelou
Produzione | Production: Yukunkun Production
Produttori | Producers: Nelson Ghrenassia
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Florent Gouelou
Fotografia | Cinematography: Vadim Alsayed
Montaggio | Editing: Luis Richard
Suono | Sound:  Geoffrey Perrier, Matthieu Deniau, Corvo Lepesant-Lamari
Cast: Cookie Kunty
Runtime: 18’

Special Mention

Offro io
Paola Minaccioni - Italy 12’
An exaggeration of a cliché in generosity and social behavior taken to the extreme, reaching its climax with full hilariousness. An excellently acted and well directed short taken to the surreal.

Italy 2019

Regia | Director: Paola Minaccioni
Produzione | Production: Lime Production
Produttori | Producers: Valentina di Giuseppe, Massimiliano Leone
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Paola Minaccioni, Alberto Caviglia
Fotografia | Cinematography: Simone Zampagni
Montaggio | Editing: Carlo Balestrieri
Cast: Carolina Crescentini, Paolo Calabresi, Maurizio Lombardi, Paola Minaccioni
Runtime: 12’

Special Mention

Solstice d’un cœur brisé  
Fanny Lefort - Canada 12’
This story shows how the most terrible day sometimes it’s also the longest. The fabulous tone of voice and the poetic style allow us to go deeper into the emotional world of the protagonists, empathizing with her. And realizing that these days eventually come to an end, it's beautiful.

Canada 2020

Regia | Director: Fanny Lefort
Produzione | Production: Mimosa Films
Produttori | Producers: Olivier Normandin
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Fanny Lefort
Fotografia | Cinematography: Olivier Normandin
Montaggio | Editing: Olivier Normandin
Suono | Sound: Simon Lacelle, Alexis Pilon Gladu, Francis Gauthier
Musica | Music: Jeanseb Roux
Cast: Élodie Grenier, Séba


Michele Bernardi - Italy 10’

We liked this short movie very much because of its authentic, distressing story. Four years of production for a project made with love that pictures with an artistic and romantic style the traumas of fascism through the passion of a young man. A story that reflects the divisions and the problems of our current times, reinforcing the importance of the fight against any dictatorship. Dreams can truly break any barrier. This short movie reminds us that even in the worst time, when it looks like nothing is lost, believing in hope and in what we love can change, help and even save us.

Italy 2020

Made by Michele Bernardi
Musica | Music: Luca D’Alberto
Runtime: 10’

Special Mention

Ursula Ulmi - Switzerland, Papua New Guinea 10’
A funny short movie, lush and poetic, which gave us a small folk story from Papua New Guinea with marvelous and true animation.

Switzerland & Papua New Guinea 2021

Regia | Director: Ursula Ulmi
Produzione | Production: Ulmi Film
Produttore | Producer:
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Ursula Ulmi
Fotografia | Cinematography:
Montaggio | Editing: Anja Kofmel
Animazione | Animation: Hannes Stummvoll, Amélie Cochet, Oswald Iten, Géraldine Cammisar, Martine Ulmer
Suono | Sound:  Beni Mosele
Musica | Music:  Idodo Performance Group
Runtime: 10’



I address / Я обращаюсь
by Gibkiy Chaplin - Maxim Kotskiy - Ukraine 3’

This music video speaks about politics, but not that kind of politics made of squares and flags, or formal speech and best of a bad situation. This music video talks about the people, shows us how the table of an old pub can turn into the start of the revolution of those who believe in the future. It could look too obvious to give the award to a music video from Ukraine, but it was only by merit.

Ukraine 2020

Regia | Director: Maxim Kotskiy
Produttori | Producers: Sana Shevchenko
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Maxim Kotskiy
Fotografia | Cinematography: Nikita Kuzmenko
Montaggio | Editing: Aleksey Butskii
Suono | Sound: Aleksey Dobrovolskyi, Revet Sound
Musica | Music: Gibkiy Chaplin
Cast: Revolutionist, Dmitriy Chernaivskyo
Runtime: 3’



The new normal
Matt Willis-Jones - Mexico 4’

The new normal
Matt Willis-Jones & Andrea Cartategui
Runtime:  4’


Matteo Russo, Antonio Buscema - Italy 17’

Italy  2020

Regia | Director: Matteo Russo, Antonio Buscema
Produzione | Production: MALèFILM
Produttori | Producers:  Matteo Russo, Antonio Buscema, Luisa Gigliotti
Sceneggiatura | Screenwriting: Matteo Russo, Antonio Buscema
Fotografia | Cinematography: Emilio M. Costa
Montaggio | Editing: Gianluca Conca
Suono | Sound: Francesco Murano
Musica | Music: Alessandro Franco
Costumi | Costume design:  Irene Trovato
Cast: Mohamed Zouaoui, Mariam Al Ferjani
Runtime: 17

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